General Provisions


Hello! You should read the Terms of Service in full, if only because they are effective each time you visit Eden or use any of its features. If you ever want to briefly tell your friends about what you read here, here are the main points:


If you are under the age of 18, unfortunately you cannot use Eden yet.

We are not responsible for the content you post on Eden, nor do we track the content of the site. We may, at our discretion, remove obscene material from the site.

If you share content that doesn't belong to you, and this makes the owners angry (and they call their lawyers), then we have nothing to do with it. So you are entirely responsible for the material you post.

If you would like to know even more rules or need additional safety recommendations, please refer to the Community Guidelines and Safety Tips.

If you are concerned about how Eden uses your personal information, please read the Privacy Policy, which describes how we process your personal information and protect your privacy when you use Eden. By using Eden, you agree that we may use your data in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We use cookies on our website and applications. You can block cookies and local storage using your browser or phone settings, but in this case you may lose access to some Eden features.

Legal provisions


Eden is a social network that includes a website and an application, the purpose of which is to create a space in which people can meet, communicate, share their photos, news and other information. This process was designed to be fun, so it is important for us (and for you) that our network remains a safe and friendly place. Thus, you agree to use Eden without violating the Terms of Service (hereinafter the "Terms"). Eden means not only the website, but all affiliated sites and applications.


These Terms constitute a legally binding agreement between you (hereinafter “User”) and the Eden Christian Dating mobile app (hereinafter “we”). The terms are effective from the moment you visit Eden, regardless of whether you register or not, so please read them carefully. By logging in, using, registering or receiving the services offered by Eden, you accept and agree not to violate the Terms of Service.




1. Use of the application and site, and rules regarding the content


Who can use Eden?


Eden is a place for adults. You can only use Eden and register on the website if you are over 18 years of age (or more if your country of residence has a higher age of majority).


You confirm that you have the right and are able to bind yourself to be bound by the Terms and by using Eden you will not be in violation of the laws and regulations of your country. You are solely responsible for complying with all applicable local laws and regulations.


You also acknowledge that you have never been found guilty of socially dangerous assault, physical harm or sexual harassment by a court.




What kind of content can I post on Eden?


You may post any material on Eden, including photos, emails, messages and other content (the “Content”).


However, there are some rules about what is considered acceptable material. So, when you use Eden, you must not post, submit or upload Content that:


contains swear words or insults that can offend another person;

is indecent, pornographic, or otherwise offending another person's feelings;

is offensive, offending or threatening, demonstrates or incites violence, self-harm, suicide, racism, sexism, hatred and intolerance;

calls for illegal activities, including terrorism, racial hatred, or the publication of such materials, which is a criminal offense;

is defamatory;

refers to commercial activities (including, without limitation, sales, advertising, links to other sites or pay phone numbers);

contains spam;

depicts a person, company or brand for the purpose of deceiving or confusing;

contains spyware, adware, viruses, corrupted files, worms or other malicious code designed to disrupt, damage, limit or interrupt the performance of any software, hardware, telecommunications, networks, servers; Trojan horses designed to damage, interfere with, illegally intercept or seize any information (including personal), whether through Eden or without it;

by itself, or the fact of placement of which violates the rights of a third party (including, without limitation, intellectual rights and confidentiality);

shows another person if the Content was created / distributed without the knowledge of this person and without giving this person the opportunity to refuse its creation or distribution, or

contains images of children, even if you are in the photo, or endangers their safety.

Please use common sense when posting, uploading, or submitting Content of your choice to Eden as you are solely responsible for it. In the event of a systematic violation of the rules, we can remove you from using Eden by deactivating or blocking your account. We may also remove material posted by you if we believe it is in violation of the rules or is illegal.


Are there any rules regarding my personal information, such as email addresses?


You may not publish your or someone else's contact or banking information on your page (hereinafter "Profile"), for example: names, home and postal addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, URLs, bank cards, place of work. If you decide to disclose your personal information to other users, via email or otherwise, you do so at your own risk. We recommend and encourage you (and all of our users) to think about the information they disclose about themselves.



Well, what about the personal data of other users, can they be used?


You can use the personal data of other Eden users to the extent necessary to get to know and communicate with them. It is not allowed to use such information for commercial purposes, for sending spam, threats or harassment. Eden reserves the right to delete your account or restrict access to certain data if you misuse someone else's information.


Some of my friends would like to see everyone with whom I communicate. Can I give them my password so they can log in with my name?


In short, no. You are the only person authorized to access your Eden account. You must not share your password with anyone, as this jeopardizes the safety of your personal data and the Content you uploaded to Eden. You are responsible for keeping your password safe. If you don't care, Eden is not responsible for unauthorized access to your account. If you suspect that someone has gained access to your account, you should immediately notify us via Feedback. Also you need to change your password immediately. Eden reserves the right to terminate your account if you violate the rules for the safety of your password.


Who can see the Content I post on Eden?


When you upload Content to Eden, everyone can see it. If you do not want other users to see the Content, do not post it on Eden or use private folders and restricted access settings. We reserve the right, without notice, to remove, edit, restrict or block access to your Content on Eden in our sole discretion, without obligation to you. We are under no obligation to post your Content, check it for accuracy and truth, or track your use of Eden.


Anything else?..


By using Eden, you agree to the Terms of Service. We, in turn, grant you a limited, personal, non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use and download the Content, and to use Eden solely for personal purposes. In addition to this right, you do not have any other rights to use the site, application, its Content and functions, and you also do not have the right to change, edit, copy, reproduce, create derivative works, alter, correct, modernize or use the site in any other way. or its Content. In the event of a violation of the Terms, your right to use will be automatically terminated, and downloaded or printed Content will be subject to immediate destruction.



2. Ownership of Content


By uploading Content to Eden, do I lose my right to it?


No (provided that you are the copyright holder at all - read our rules regarding uploading someone else's Content).


Please note that by uploading Content to Eden, you are confirming that:


you are the exclusive author and owner of this Content and agree to waive the moral rights of the author in this Content (including, without limitation, the right to be considered as the author);

you have been granted the right to use and publish the Content; or

you have received approval and authority to use and publish this Content.

Please note that by uploading Content to Eden you confirm that you are entitled to do so. You automatically grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, global license to use this Content in any way (including, without limitation, editing, copying, altering, translating, reformatting, using in other materials, making derivative materials, advertising, distributing and publishing Content for a wide range of users, in parts or in whole in any format and on any medium that already exists or will be developed in the future).


We may transfer the above license to affiliated companies and assigns without any prior approval from you.


We have the right to disclose your personal information to a third party if they complain to us that Content you uploaded to our app or site violates their copyright, privacy rights or any other law.


Who, then, owns all other Content on Eden?


Us! All text, graphics, user interface, trademarks, logos, sounds and artwork of Eden are owned, controlled or licensed by us and are therefore protected by proprietary rights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights.


Can I use Content that I do not own?


You may not use Eden Content to which you do not have rights, with the exception of Content uploaded by you. You agree that you will not violate our rights or the rights of third parties in any way by using Eden Content. This means that you will not copy, modify, distribute, publish, or sell Eden Content (other than your own).



3. Paid services


What services can I buy on Eden?


Eden gives you the opportunity to purchase certain services through the website. Eden Premium Services include various additional features that can help you gain attention and meet even more people. Eden also has the option to play various games on the site. All premium services can be purchased after registration, you can subscribe to premium services for different periods of time.


After making a payment, you have the right to cancel it and request a refund within 14 days after the payment was made. If you want to cancel your payment, please let us know via Feedback. Please note that if you use the Content that is part of the paid services within 14 days, your right to compensation may be forfeited. After 14 days, money spent on the service is non-refundable.


You can change your automatic top-up settings at any time in the payment settings in your profile. Pricing may vary based on a number of factors, such as (but not limited to) promotions, loyalty bonuses, and other discounts.


Paid services are not available in countries under sanctions.


How do I renew my subscription to Eden premium services?


By requesting Eden Premium Services, you authorize Eden to withhold funds from you through your chosen payment method. You can change your payment method or cancel your subscription in the payment settings. If you have made a payment through a mobile operator, please read their payment terms carefully, as they determine the procedure for Eden payments, their cancellations or changes. Eden Premium Services will automatically renew your subscription until you cancel it.


Can I transfer the services I paid for to another Eden user?


If you decide to use premium services or any other options designed to improve your communication through Eden, you agree to use these services for your personal purposes, not to transfer or sell them to other Eden users. Eden reserves the right not to recognize as valid any services you have paid for if you attempted to transfer them to another user or you tried to purchase them from other users. Eden will only provide you with paid services if you are the person for whom the services were purchased.


Do the loans have a validity period?


Yes. Unused credits expire after 6 months (excluding credits purchased through iTunes). If you delete your account or it is deleted by us for violating the Terms, you will lose all accumulated credits. If you receive free credits during a promotion, we may withdraw them at any time. Credits cannot be exchanged for cash or any item of value unless we give written permission to do so.


Please read the Premium Terms of Service on the top-up page for more details on payments.


4. Access to the application and site


Can you guarantee that Eden will always be safe and sound?


Unfortunately, we cannot give such a guarantee, since from time to time we have to carry out repairs and because unforeseen troubles may occur with the application or website. Therefore, Eden's services are provided on an “as is” basis. We do not make any guarantees regarding the quality, accuracy, functionality, availability and performance of Eden, and we reserve the right to suspend, disable, supplement or modify the services provided by Eden without notice or obligation to you.


How about mobile access?


Your job is to do everything in your power to secure your access to Eden (including but not limited to payments to your ISP and mobile phone provider, as well as any other payments related to accessibility). We are not responsible in cases where the functionality of Eden is disrupted or limited as a result of connecting via mobile devices and similar services that are available today or that will be created in the future.


By connecting to Eden, or agreeing to receive messages and notifications from Eden on your mobile phone and / or any other device, you acknowledge that your Internet service provider or mobile phone provider may charge you additional fees. We are not responsible for this.


I am not a registered user and some Eden Content and features are not available to me. How so?


Unregistered users can only see the publicly available portion of the Content. They do not have a Profile and their ability to upload Content is limited. The amount of access of registered users to Eden depends on certain criteria in the Profile that they have completed. We may occasionally change or supplement the criteria at our discretion and without prior notice.


6. Deleting your account


What if I want to delete my account on Eden?


If you are registered with Eden, you can terminate your registration at any time: log in to Eden, go to your Profile page and in the Settings section click on the Delete Profile link. We save your Profile in case you decide to restore your account. Many users deactivate their accounts for temporary reasons and therefore expect that we will save their information for their return to Eden. Therefore, you will be able to restore your account and your profile in full within 30 days after deactivating your account. Once your registration is canceled, we have the right to remove any Content that you have uploaded to Eden. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy.


Content that you have uploaded to Eden, other than your Profile (such as comments or posts), may still be visible on Eden after registration is terminated.


7. Abuses and complaints


Someone is violating the Terms, who can I report it to?


To report a violation or report Content to Eden, please contact us through the Contact Us page and summarize the violation. You can also report a user directly on their profile page by clicking on the "Block / Report Abuse" link and indicating the reason.


We always try to help in solving any problem that you may have with our service. If your complaint or dispute still remains unresolved, you may be entitled to contact the European Platform for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR).


8. Privacy Policy


Do you have any rules about how you can handle my personal data?


We process information in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is incorporated into these Terms of Service. Please read our Privacy Policy before using Eden. By using Eden, you consent to such data processing and you warrant that all data provided by you is true, complete and accurate.


9. Links


Do the links in the app and on the website have anything to do with Eden?


Eden may contain links to other sites, resources and shopping opportunities provided by third parties. These links are provided to you for your information. If you follow these links, you may be redirected to third party sites. Third party sites have their own terms of service and privacy policies, which may differ from ours. The display of links to third-party sites does not imply our endorsement of third-party content, their sites or resources.


Please note that we have no control over the content of third party sites or their resources, and we are not responsible for them, including (but not limited to) compliance by third parties with any applicable laws or regulations.


10. Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability


I forgot about the rules of conduct here, and now someone is threatening to sue me. Can your lawyers figure this out?


No. If your actions upset other users, then you should be held accountable for the consequences. We disclaim responsibility for your behavior or that of any other Eden user, and we disclaim responsibility for Content uploaded by you or any other users.


My lawyer friend says that you cannot absolve yourself of responsibility for everything ...


Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall be accepted to exclude or limit our liability for:


death or personal injury caused by your negligence;

fraudulent or intentional misleading; or

any liability that cannot be limited or excluded by law.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, Eden excludes:


all conditions, representations, warranties and other conditions that might be implied by statute, common law or equity law; and

any liability incurred by you as a result of using Eden, the services of the site, including liability for claims, penalties, claims, damages, obligations, expenses of any nature and type: direct, indirect, incidental, punitive or consequential damages (including negligence); inability to use, loss of data, damage caused to the computer by electronic viruses, loss of income or profit, waste of office time, violation of the terms of a contract or claims of third parties or other losses of any kind and nature, even if Eden was warned about the possibility of such damage or loss arising from or in connection with the use of Eden. This limitation of liability applies but is not limited to the transmission of any devices or viruses that may infect your equipment, cause malfunctioning of mechanical or electrical equipment or communication lines, telephone or other communication problems (for example, you cannot access the Internet), unauthorized access, theft, personal injury (other than those caused by our negligence), property damage, operator error, strikes or force majeure, including but not limited to liability for loss of income, loss of profits or contracts, loss of business, loss of expected savings, loss of reputation, loss of data, loss of office time and any other loss or damage of any kind.

Eden's financial liability in respect of financial losses arising from the Terms of Service for breach of contract, tort (including negligence or violation of legal obligations, etc.) cannot exceed £ 20.


What about the reliability of Eden and the information provided by Eden?


Eden takes reasonable steps to keep the information presented on Eden up-to-date, accessible, correct and complete and provides this information on an “as is” basis. Eden does not provide any guarantees and is not responsible for the information contained on Eden, either explicitly or implicitly. Your use of Eden and the data available on Eden is at your own risk. Eden cannot be held responsible for any kind of loss associated with the transmission and use of data, as well as for the accuracy of Content uploaded by other users. You are responsible for ensuring that the data you receive on Eden is free of viruses or malware. You agree that interruptions or interruptions may occur during the provision of Eden services, that some errors cannot be corrected, and that Eden and the server that supports the services are free of viruses, worms, imitators, Trojan horses or other malicious components. Eden is not responsible for damage caused to your software or hardware and any other equipment, including but not limited to security breaches, viruses, worms, manipulation, fraud, errors, omissions, interruptions, defects, downtime or data transmission, line or network accidents and any other malfunctions. In the unlikely event that a defect is found in Eden, we will endeavor to fix the problem at no additional cost and without significant inconvenience to you, at the earliest opportunity.


11. Exemption from liability


I forgot about the rules of conduct here, and now someone is threatening to sue YOU. Now what?


If we are being sued as a result of your use of Eden, we have the right to defend or extinguish the relevant claim as we see fit. If we ask you to do so, you must fully cooperate with us in accordance with the requirements for the relevant claim.


You agree to protect and defend us and our employees, directors, employees, agents, representatives from any third party claims, damages (direct and / or indirect), actions, legal proceedings, claims, damages, expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) incurred by us, arising from or in connection with your actions on Eden, Content that you have uploaded to Eden, or your behavior, other than in accordance with the Terms or in accordance with applicable law or regulation ("Statement of Claim"). Eden reserves the exclusive right to settle and settle any and all claims or grounds of action that are brought against us without your prior consent.


12. Other conditions


How about all these standard terms that you see at the end of most contracts? This is the most interesting!


Well, since you ask so ...


The terms of service, as well as any disagreements and claims related to them (including disagreements and claims not governed by the contract) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. In the event of inconsistencies between the original version and a translation of the Terms of Service into another language, the original version takes precedence.


We reserve the right, in our sole discretion and without any obligation, to adjust and amend (“Modify”) this agreement at any time. All Changes will be posted on this page (at the end of this agreement) with an effective date. In some cases, we may notify you of Changes by email. You agree to periodically review this page to avoid misunderstandings in connection with the Changes you make.


If you do not accept any of the Changes to these Terms, you must immediately stop using Eden. If you continue to use Eden after the Changes to the Terms, you automatically accept the updated terms.


If, for any reason, any term of this agreement is found by a court of the relevant jurisdiction illegal or legally invalid, this term will be removed from the agreement or edited without changing the remaining binding terms and their legal force.


These Terms are an agreement between us and you in connection with your use of Eden and supersede all previous agreements, statements and understandings between us (oral or written). This clause does not in any way limit or exclude any liability for willful misrepresentation, or willful misrepresentation.


Failure to exercise or delay in the exercise of any right, power or privilege in accordance with the Terms does not constitute a waiver of such right or acceptance of any changes to the provision, nor does any party's partial exercise of any right, power or privilege preclude the further exercise of this right or the exercise of any other rights, powers or privileges.


Nothing in the Terms confers or is intended to give any other third party a benefit or a right to enforce any clause of the Terms and the Employment Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 which does not apply to the Terms.


About Us is an app and a website.


We are registered in Ukraine


Our legal address: 01001, Kyiv, Peremogy Avenue 65, office 459


Tel: +380970333682

These terms are effective since May 30, 2019

Request of deleting your data

Submit your account email, if you want to make such request

We received your email and will contact you by email in case of deleting your data